Posts in 2018

  • The fourth Dubbo meetup has been held in Chengdu

    Sunday, August 26, 2018 in Articles

    The fourth Dubbo meetup has been held in Chengdu The depth of the user communication On August 26, 10:00 am - 12:00am, invited the arrival of the car to help, cloud gold, former BBD, flying fish star four companies open source enthusiasts and heavy …

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  • Native Image using GraalVM

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    Overview This document will show you how to access GraalVM with a dubbo project and how to compile the project to a binary executable using native-image. The document also introduces the efforts we made in achieving this. GraalVM’s essential is …

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  • Generic invoke of Dubbo

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    Generic invoke of Dubbo The generic invoke could be considered to be used in the following cases: Service test platform API service gateway The generic invoke is mainly used when the consumer does not have an API interface; instead of depending the …

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  • Implementation of cross-language calls by Dubbo2.js

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    dubbo2.js is a Dubbo client for node.js developped by Qianmiwang. It supports Dubbo’s native protocol, which makes the RPC calls between javascript and java efficient and agile. This tool has been contributed to Dubbo’s community. …

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  • Source code analysis of spring-boot+Dubbo App start and stop

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    Introduction Dubbo Spring Boot project is dedicated to simplifying the development of the Dubbo RPC framework in the Spring Boot application. It also integrates the feature of Spring Boot: Autoconfigure (ex: Annotation driver, Autoconfigure, etc.) …

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  • Manipulating Services Dynamically via QoS

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    Manipulating Services Dynamically via QoS QoS (short form of Quality of Service), is a common terminology talking about network devices. For example, by adjusting and manipulating the weights of ports of a router dynamically via QoS, engineers could …

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  • Dubbo Basic Usage -- Dubbo Provider Configuration

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    This chapter mainly talking about how to configure dubbo. According to the configuration mode, it can be divided into the following mode: XML Configuration, Properties Configuration, Annotation Configuration, API Invocation Mode Configuration. And …

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  • Dubbo: Several ways about synchronous/asynchronous invoke

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    As we all know,Dubbo adopts a single large join protocol by default and takes the NIO asynchronous communication mechanism of Netty as the low-level implementation. Based on this mechanism, Dubbo implements several invocation modes as follows: …

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  • Dubbo Basic Usage - Dubbo Consumer Configuration

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    Dubbo Consumer Configuration Consumer Configuration Detailed There are 3 ways to configure the Dubbo Consumer: XML configuration, API call mode configuration, and annotation mode configuration. XML Configuration Example of the simplest configuration: …

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  • Dubbo's Load Balance

    Friday, August 10, 2018 in Articles

    Background Dubbo is a distributed service framework that avoids single point of failure and horizontal expansion of support services. A service typically deploys multiple instances. How to select a call from a cluster of multiple service providers …

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