Posts in 2018

  • Manipulating Services Dynamically via QoS

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    Manipulating Services Dynamically via QoS QoS (short form of Quality of Service), is a common terminology talking about network devices. For example, by adjusting and manipulating the weights of ports of a router dynamically via QoS, engineers could …

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  • Dubbo Basic Usage -- Dubbo Provider Configuration

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    This chapter mainly talking about how to configure dubbo. According to the configuration mode, it can be divided into the following mode: XML Configuration, Properties Configuration, Annotation Configuration, API Invocation Mode Configuration. And …

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  • Dubbo: Several ways about synchronous/asynchronous invoke

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    As we all know,Dubbo adopts a single large join protocol by default and takes the NIO asynchronous communication mechanism of Netty as the low-level implementation. Based on this mechanism, Dubbo implements several invocation modes as follows: …

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  • Dubbo Basic Usage - Dubbo Consumer Configuration

    Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Articles

    Dubbo Consumer Configuration Consumer Configuration Detailed There are 3 ways to configure the Dubbo Consumer: XML configuration, API call mode configuration, and annotation mode configuration. XML Configuration Example of the simplest configuration: …

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  • Dubbo's Load Balance

    Friday, August 10, 2018 in Articles

    Background Dubbo is a distributed service framework that avoids single point of failure and horizontal expansion of support services. A service typically deploys multiple instances. How to select a call from a cluster of multiple service providers …

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  • Your First Dubbo Demo

    Tuesday, August 07, 2018 in Articles

    Java RMI Introduction Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation) is a mechanism that allows users to access or invocate an object and a method running on another JVM (Java Virtual Machine). RMI is an implementation of RPC (Remote Procedure Call) in java …

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  • Using Zookeeper in Dubbo

    Tuesday, August 07, 2018 in Articles

    Introduction of Zookeeper The basic concept In the mordern distrbuted applications, there are multiple coordination problems between nodes and nodes, including: leader election, group service, locking, configuration management, naming and …

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  • Use Annotations In Dubbo

    Tuesday, August 07, 2018 in Articles

    With the widely promotion and implementation of Microservices Architecture, the Microservices Architecture represented by Spring Boot and Spring Cloud, in Java ecosystem, introduced some brand new programming model, like: Annotation-Driven External …

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  • The third Dubbo meetup has been held in Shenzhen

    Monday, July 30, 2018 in Articles

    The third Dubbo meetup has successfully been held in Shenzhen, over 2000 people submitted registration, and over 700 were present, more than 17,000 watched the live online. Please enjoy the slides of the topics: Zhixuan Chen: …

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  • Sentinel: The flow sentinel of Dubbo services

    Friday, July 27, 2018 in Articles

    In large clusters there may be thousands of Dubbo service instances in production, with continuous traffic coming in. However, in distributed systems, some services may be unavailable due to various of failure such as traffic surge, high system load, …

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